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Lodge NY's mission is facilitating fun and satisfying sexual encounters for men

Lodge NY parties are a place to:
See new and familiar faces
Remain anonymous if you wish
restore your mind and body
Sustain your sexual rhythm
Satisfy your man needs

Indulge your kinks
Shoot the shit
relax and have fun

If you have a penis and are of sound mind and body, you are welcome to attend any of our private parties. You must sign up for any party's list in order to receive its details by email.

We don't discriminate based on age, WEIGHT, cock size, ethnicity, relationship status, level of openness regarding your sexuality, national origin, language or creed. Because all of our events are open-door, you get a nice cross-section of New Yorkers and men visiting our city at our parties.

Visitors from the U.S. and abroad are always welcome! 
Hablamos español. On parle français. Nos falamos português.

We don't talk about politics and strive to create an environment in which all men are welcome. Nonetheless, if your presence or behavior represent a disruption to an event, we reserve the right to exclude you and/or ban you from future events.

We do not collect your name nor do we charge membership dues, and you do not need to RSVP for any of our events. Simply join the mailing list for events you're interested in and show up at party time, as it is announced. All parties are cash only.

We look forward to meeting you. 

For party address(es), sign up on the home page and check the party you're interested in.

To contact us for questions not addressed on this or other sites, you may email

When emailing a question, please be sure to mention the party you are referring to, as each one has different details. Thanks.


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